Camlyn Cockers Spaniels is a family of dedicated breeders . We breed healthy ,quality AKC American Cocker Spaniels. Our dogs all live in our homes with us as members of the family. They

have nice pedigrees and wonderful temperaments. They are bred to be loving pets. All of our adult dogs are health tested through either Embark or Paw Print genetics. Please read through all our pages to get to know us and our dogs. Enjoy the pictures of our lovely babies!
We are only planning on 1 litter of F1 cockapoo and 1 litter of cocker spaniels this year . I am forming a waiting list now for each and will only breed if there is enough interest in puppies. Please contact me if you are interested in a puppy this year so I can see if there is enough interest to breed.
I have some older puppies and dogs available. Some are retiring from my program and some are ones I have placed, but due to various circumstances need a new home. I have a few that I am placing because I will be breeding less and think that some of these dogs need a home of their own . I will start listing them with pictures and info over the next few weeks . You can find them on my Available Adults page. Please fill out an application if you are interested in one. Please contact me for more info. Email Camlyncockers@live.com
Looking for a puppy? Please see new puppies page! Please take the time to read our Puppy Info page. It will answer a lot of questions you might have! If you are interested in a current puppy or a place on our waiting list please fill out an application and send it to me ASAP . I do not hold any puppy without a deposit. Pick is in order of deposit.
Please take a look at our new bows and toys!
Our Moms and Dads
Cocker spaniel Females

I I am
Cockapoo Females

Cocker Spaniel Males
Current studs


Poodle male - Cockapoo sire


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