Please take the time to read through this info
What info can be found here
Deposit info
upcoming litters
Waiting Lists
Visiting puppies?
Preparing your home for your puppy


PUPPY INFO - All of our dogs live in the house as members of our families. They live with various family members . The puppies are born in my bedroom and are held and snuggled daily. I start trimming nails at a few days old and groom them at least weekly starting at 2 - 3 weeks old. They will be de-wormed at 2, 4 ,6 and 8 weeks and leave with their first shots. They will be seen by my vet and come with a 2 year health guarantee . Our puppies will come with a puppy kit that includes AKC registration
papers ( unless otherwise noted) , a heath guarantee , toys, a collar ,a blanket with mommy's scent , food they have been eating and a bottle of water. I will include some info about puppy care and extra info about cocker spaniels in general. I offer lifetime support and I am here to answer any questions you have at anytime.

Please contact me if you want to be added to a waiting list. Most Of my puppies will have people waiting for them before they are born . At this point I should have a few males available after going through my waiting lists, sometimes a female. All it takes is a quick email or two to get to know a little about you and I can add you to my waiting list :) There is an application that you can send me along with your email to help speed up the process . As soon as a litter you like is born just contact me and let me know that you are on my list and we have already spoken. I will try to contact every person on my list that might be interested in a particular litter when it's born, but if you see a litter you like or an upcoming litter, it might be faster if you contact me since I have a lot of names to go through and a new litter to take care of. At that point I will accept deposits. The waiting list is in a random order. I write all the names and info you give me down so I can help you find the right puppy for your family. At that point a Non refundable holding fee of $250 is placed on a puppy and that puppy is then held just for you! Puppies are held in order of deposits received . I cannot hold a puppy for you without a holding fee. Balance is due at pickup/delivery date . Preference is Paypal, Zelle or Cash app for payment!
*** I always reserve the right of first choice for myself as a future Camlyn cocker family member.

Puppies shown above are from a previous litter.

Can I Visit the Puppies?
Many people question if they can pick out, see, or play with their puppies before they are ready to go at 8-weeks-old. The answer to the question is NO. There are several reasons why we do not let anyone around the new puppies between birth and 8 weeks – Mostly to protect our dogs and your puppy. Below you will find not only details as to why the answer is no but also information as to what you can do in the mean time to prepare for your puppy.
* First, it is extremely stressful for the mom to have strangers visit as she is caring for her new litter. This in turn will put stress on the new born pups. Remember, you are one of many people who are getting a puppy, not including everyone else who “just wants to peek at the new babies.” If we allow everyone to see, touch, or spend time with the new pups, the mom’s routine would be disrupted: her eating and caring for pups and even her ability to produce enough healthy milk for them could be at risk.
**Like a new baby, the opportunity for young pups to pick up infectious diseases is increased with all new contacts. Their immune systems are building, so at this time, the moms and pups live in whelping areas (first my bed room, then a spot in our home, my office/ living room) which have controlled temperatures and are separate from all outside traffic. Most illnesses and diseases are innocently carried on people’s shoes and clothing. Entire litters of puppies can be wiped out within 48 hours by the puppy killer parvo virus. This disease could be picked up unknowingly by people in a school yard, a park, or on a sidewalk, and this is only one disease. We cannot risk exposing our dogs and your puppy to diseases that could destroy them.
*** Your puppy is not the only puppy. By protecting all of our puppies from stress and disease that could be brought on by high traffic, we are protecting your puppy. Just think about how you would feel if someone who just wanted to see his or her pup happened to bring in stress or illness that would cause us to lose a litter and you to lose your future puppy. We have heard from many people that pet stores, other breeders, or other kennels let clients visit puppies; the reality is that their number one concern is selling a puppy. Also, will those people be there to support you, replace the puppy, or guide you in the days, weeks, or years after you get your puppy home? Are they willing and capable to help you with training, breeding, behavioral, or health questions? Just because someone allows you to see the puppy, it does not indicate the quality of dog or of service you will receive throughout the puppy’s lifetime.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We take great care and much time caring for all of our dogs and their puppies. It is time and energy consuming. This is what we do best, so please let us do it. We understand your excitement, and we are happy that you are enthusiastic about getting your pup. But until you take your puppy home, we are responsible and the puppy’s health and safety is our priority. I guarantee you that in 8 weeks after the birth it will be well worth your wait.
You can visit our Facebook page, Camlyn and this website , where we often post pictures of new litters and puppies.
You can prepare your home for your new puppy:
Puppy proof your house.
Get a Vari Kennel (type of dog crate) for crate training. A puppy play pen is a great idea!
Get some good puppy toys (we recommend nylar bones, gummy bones, and other chew toys - not stuffed or squeaky
because the pup can choke on stuffing and the squeaker).
Get your leash and collar ).
Get a slicker brush and a good metal dog comb. Grooming manners need to be taught from the start. I groom the puppies a few times before they leave ! You need to continue with brushing when they come home.
Get dog food (we feed purina one smart blend puppy food or Iams puppy food) i will let you know which food your puppy is eating. This will vary depending on availability at the time I begin weaning them. Both are good foods and are on the WSAVA list .
Get stainless steel food and water dishes.
Read all you can about house breaking and training your new puppy so you are prepared
Hopefully you can keep busy until your puppy is ready to go home!
Feel free to contact us with questions. We're here to talk with you about the progress of the pups.
